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Taylor Burk is a travel and adventure lifestyle photographer from Alberta, Canada. You'll likely find him outside- usually somewhere with no cell service. 

No set plans, take any opportunities that come our way, and keep an open mind. That was the theme of the journey up to the great white north.

My good friend Quin (@everchanginghorizon) had been working all summer and was eager to get on the road to a place he had never been before. When he brought up the idea of driving to Alaska I couldn’t say no and took the open seat as we left from Edmonton, Alberta, mid-September. It was the perfect time to shoot the fall colours and beat the crowds.

One of the best parts of the trip was a long morning soak in Liard River Hot Springs after a cold fall night under the stars. It’s hard to put the experience into words but we felt like kids again, exploring and diving into the warm water ways of the area. We definitely could've used those hot springs when we were freezing our asses off in the Arctic Circle during a snow storm! It would've had to be the coldest winter camp experience of my life- tenting above the Harding Ice-field over looking 70 miles of glacier, which is home to the northern lights and a few (okay alot!) of black bears.

There were tons of moments that will stick with me forever like; the hospitality and generosity of the locals, the taste of the Sour Toe Cocktail (google it) and flying over the mind-blowing landscapes of Kluane National Park, Yukon.

Over the three weeks of driving we had tons of ups and downs, weather being a big one. But if everything goes right then it isn’t really an adventure is it…

See more of Taylor's nomadic work  // taylorburk.com

Photography and words by: Taylor Burk


Aiden said:

Amazing pictures, amazing photographer and person. Also TMB Them snapchat stories be gold.

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