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We love where we live. Every single chance we get, although not nearly as often as we would like, we load up the car and point it west to the mountains. From our office door it’s a quick 45 minutes to one of our favorite hikes. It’s close enough that if we wake up early we can summit a mountain and be back before the workday starts. Short of living in a tent full time it’s not a bad life.

But this write up isn’t about hiking in the mountains; it’s about swimming in them! Y’all know what hypothermia is, right? You’d be hard pressed to find a body of water around here that you can comfortably spend more than 30 seconds in. Cue our newly found love of Tower Paddle Boards. Last summer we hiked up to one of our favourite places, Rawson Lake, and during our lakeside lunch we talked about how amazing it would be take in the surrounding landscape from the middle of the lake. Rawson Lake is a short but steep 4 km hike above Upper Kananakis Lake. You definitely wouldn’t want to schlep a canoe up there. During lunch the idea of cruising the area using inflatable paddleboards was brought up. Flash forward one year and two Tower Adventurer 2 iSUPs later and we’ve now successfully paddled in lakes where few have dared to even dip a toe.

We chose Tower for a couple of reasons. The 6” thickness of a Tower board is a huge plus if you are paddling in glacial water. Believe me, unless you have the world’s most amazing circulation in the world, it only takes a minute before your feet become useless ice cubes. We had also heard great things about the quality and durability of Tower products and we have not been disappointed. Lastly the package deal for a board, pump and paddle was pretty good. We added backpacks and they make the job of carrying all our gear up to the lakes a lot easier. There is enough extra space in the bag to add a lunch and water bottle, as well as strap a towel or trusty Camp sweatshirt to the outside bungees. Between our evening river floats and weekend mountain getaways our paddleboards are in the running for the most-used piece of equipment in our gear garage.

We recently lent our boards out to our pal Davey Gravey and he was nice enough to put together a quick little film of a day trip to Two Jack Lake. Gotta love dem Rocky Mountains. For your daily dose of good times please check out the film and pictures of Davey’s day out.

You can check out more of Davey's work by visit him at : www.daveygravy.ca and be sure to follow him on Instagram: @davey_gravy

If you are interested in gettin' that #paddleboardlife be sure to check out: www.towerpaddleboards.com SaveSaveSaveSav


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