Good Food // Camp Grub 009
As an outdoor brand (and as people!) you could say it's on our list of duties to take care of the planet. Reduce, reuse, recycle- you know the drill. So in honour of the three R's, we've cooked up this next recipe to skip the dishes and detergent, get our vitamins and add to the ol' compost bin while we're at it!
Introducing the Campfire Curry in a squash bowl- brought to you by the gang at Camp and inspired by Edible Perspective's Curried Chickpeas recipe Enjoy!
-2 cups cooked chickpeas
-1 red pepper (diced)

1) Start prepping the squash: Set a whole acorn squash on a moderately hot bed of coals and ash, turning it to roast evenly. When it is uniformly lightly charred, test it with a skewer or small knife where the flesh is thickest. When the squash is tender through, halve the roasted squash, and scrape out seeds and stringy bits. **You will re-heat this later to brown up the edges before filling with the quinoa curry.
2) Cook up the quinoa: In a med sized pot bring 2 cups water and 1 cup uncooked quinoa to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until soft and most of the liquid has been absorbed, 15 to 20 minutes. Fluff with a fork to separate.
3) For the chickpea curry, in a large pan heat up the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and red pepper making sure to stir every few minutes until softened and slightly seared.
4) Mix together the allotted curry spice, garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper, ginger, cumin, and coriander and simmer until it starts smelling delicious!
5) Add the can of diced tomatoes (including the juice), chickpeas (drained), and the apple cider vinegar to the veggies and spices. Simmer all together and stir until the consistency is thick. Spice to taste with ground cayenne pepper.
6) Toss the cooked quinoa in with the thickened curry mixture and keep on low heat until ready to fill the squash bowls.
7) While the curry mixture is simmering, lightly glaze the squash halves (just the fleshy part) with cooking oil to brown edges slightly, wrap in tin foil and place next to coals in the fire, checking every 5 minutes or so until warm.
8) Turn off heat to the curry mixture and scoop into the now-edible bowls (yum!) and dig in!
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More camp inspired good eats // GOOD FOOD
Photography by: Mike Seehagel
Styled by: Ginni Seehagel